DS Product Suite

Our products use AI to process information from over 250+ sources to provide actionable insights throughout the customer lifecycle.

DS Find

Smarter Customer Acquisitions by Precise Targeting

With DS FIND You Can:
Get curated prospects with contact information
Get personalised product recommendations
Increase Organic Sales

DS Authenticate

SafeGuard Customer Onboarding & Portfolio with Trust Score

Validate your customers information from 250+ sources
Get early flags and triggers from across industries on potential fraudulent activity
Get a Trust Score with clear decision making

DS Markets

Plan smart growth & expansion with actionable insights

With DS MARKETS You Can:
Identify Focus Areas for Growth
Define Sales Target
Streamline Your Resource Efforts

DS Collect

Monitor your existing portfolio & enhance CLTV

With DS COLLECT You Can:
Customer Enrichments to cross-sell better
Get Alternate Address for Defaulted Customers
EWS for potential defaults

We want to help you scale up faster,

Say YES to a data-driven business!

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Data Sutram secures $3M in funding to accelerate product development for BFSI